How to import Blender file to FBX file in 3Ds max

Anotherthingyoumighttryisjusttouse3DSMaxtoexportthe.maxfileintosomethingthatBlendercanread,like.obj(Wavefront)or.dxf, ...,Blenderissettointroducea3dsMaximporter,offeringmoreoptionsforseamlessworkflowintegration.,AnyConvisafive-starMAXtoFBXconvert...。參考影片的文章的如下:


file format

Another thing you might try is just to use 3DS Max to export the .max file into something that Blender can read, like .obj (Wavefront) or .dxf , ...

Native 3ds max importer addon in blender 4.1!

Blender is set to introduce a 3ds Max importer, offering more options for seamless workflow integration.

Help: Is there an Add

AnyConv is a five-star MAX to FBX converter tool. Convert max files to fbx online in seconds. No software installation required. Absolutely free. Completely ...

Import Autodesk MAX (.max)

Extension to import meshes, materials and texture coordinates from Autodesk .max files. Supported materials are Standard, Arch, ...

New Addon: Import Autodesk .max #105013

Created a new addon for importing Autodesk .max files. The intention for this was because a lot of users asked if there is a way to import .max files and ...


Blender:. 1. 在插件管理下正常安装插件 2. 从File文件> Import导入> 3Ds Max File Importer(*.max) 调用插件. 使用说明:. 1. 3ds ...

Import 3ds Max files to Blender with a free Add-on

The process is straightforward: users simply need to install the new extension in Blender 4.2 and then select the MAX file they wish to import.

How to Import .max Files into Blender

1. Ensure that you have the .max import addon enabled in Blender. You can check this by navigating to Edit -> Preferences -> Add-ons and ...

Trying to import an old .max file into blender. I downloaded a script ...

Opened Blender went to preferences > addons > install and got the plugin to show up but it only allows me to import .3ds files and not .max.

Blender 4.2: Free Add-on for Importing 3ds Max Files

Unlock the power of Blender 4.2 with this free add-on that enables the import of 3ds Max (max) files directly into your projects.


Anotherthingyoumighttryisjusttouse3DSMaxtoexportthe.maxfileintosomethingthatBlendercanread,like.obj(Wavefront)or.dxf, ...,Blenderissettointroducea3dsMaximporter,offeringmoreoptionsforseamlessworkflowintegration.,AnyConvisafive-starMAXtoFBXconvertertool.Convertmaxfilestofbxonlineinseconds.Nosoftwareinstallationrequired.Absolutelyfree.Completely ...,Extensiontoimportmeshes,materialsandtexturecoo...